
Faculty and research

Prof. Gábor Vattay

Professor of Physics
Head of Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Quantum biology, Network Science
Room: É 5.63 Email: bio page

Prof. István Csabai

Professor of Physics
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Cosmology, Genomics, Network Science, Data Mining
Room: É 5.103 Email: bio page

Dr. László Oroszlány

Assitant Professor
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Numerical Quantum Mechanics
Room: É 5.?? Email: bio page

Dr. Zoltán Kaufmann

Assitant Professor
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Chaotic systems
Room: É 5.53 Email: bio page

Dr. László Dobos

Assitant Lecturer
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Extragalactic Astronomy, Scientific Databases, Data Mining
Room: É 5.60 Email: bio page

Dr. József Stéger

Assitant Lecturer
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Network Science, Signal and image processing
Room: É 5.?? Email: bio page

Dr. Péter Pollner

Research Associate
Department of Biological Physics

Research: Network Science
Room: É 3.90 Email: bio page

Dr. Gergely Palla

Research Associate
MTA-ELTE Statistical and Biological Physics Resarch Group

Research: Network Science
Room: É 3.90 Email: bio page

Dr. Dávid Visontai

Research Fellow
Department of Materials Science

Research: Numerical Quantum Mechanics
Room: É 5.?? Email: bio page

Dr. Anna Medgyes-Horváth

Research Fellow
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Genomics
Room: É 5.57 Email: bio page

Sándor Laki

Assistant Professor
Department of Information Systems

Research: Information Systems
Room: D ??? Email: bio page

János Márk Szalai-Gindl

Assistant Lecturer
Department of Information Systems

Research: Scientific Databases
Room: D 2.507 Email: bio page

Graduate students

Eszter Bokányi

Graduate Student
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Social Network Science, Text Mining
Room: É 5.57 Email: bio page

Orsolya Pipek

Graduate Student
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Genomics
Room: É 5.57 Email: bio page

Gábor Rácz

Graduate Student
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Cosmological Simulations
Room: É 5.103 Email: bio page

Dezső Ribli

Graduate Student
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Machine Learning
Room: É 5.103 Email: bio page

Bálint Ármin Pataki

Graduate Student
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Machine Learning
Room: É 5.103 Email: bio page

Attila Bagoly

Graduate Student
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Machine Learning
Room: É 5.?? Email: bio page

Máté Veszeli

Graduate Student
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Room: É 5.?? Email: bio page

Former members

Dániel Kondor

Graduate Student
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Social Network Science

Janos Szüle

Graduate Student
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Network Science

Tamás Sebők

Graduate Student
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Information Science

Zsófia Kallus

Graduate Student
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Network Science

Evelin Bányai

Research Fellow
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Scientific Databases

Márton Pósfai

Graduate Student
Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Research: Network Science